Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Matt's letter for June 13

hi mom!

Well... this week was really good. Let me start off with WALKING!

We are doing so much walking, and i absolutely love it! We are also getting bikes. I have already got one from another elder (He gave it to me to keep! :) ) and we're getting one for elder searcy probably from our ward mission leader brother clarke. He's way cool! He's from Las Vegas and he just plain rocks. I know the Lord loves me. He is most definately watching out for me and the rest of his missionaries!

Hmm.. Ok what else? Sorry, we don't have lost o time... Sister Donovan always tells me how much she loves me and doesn't want me to leave. I kinda get that alot, and i love it! It's so fun to feel that kind of love!

Haha it's funny that you mention Cedar Badge. Victoria has been writing me, and she tells me that cedar badge has been moved to Island PArk because there's still 5 feet of snow at Trasure Moutain. Poor kids! I like wht she said though, that Cedar Badge is not a place, "it's a program and a feeling." I miss it everyday! But i'm doing something bigger. I still have dreams about it though. You know last year as it got close? I had dreams then, and it's happening now. I wake up thinking, "I FORGOT MY FLAG!" or something like that, then i realize i'm not going... sad! Hahah

I shined our hardwood floors this morning. It looks alot better! Im glad you taught me how to keep a neat home and do dishes, etc. None of my companions have done ANYTHING to clean our home. So, thank you mom!

Well, i think that's it. I have to run, but i love you tons! I'll drop a line snail mail, but there's a hitch: I NEED THAT MUSIC ASAP! Mom, you don't understand how much i thrive on that! I NEED IT! Please! Super super PLEASE!!!! Hurrry! But i still love you. :)

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