Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Our Special Day. . .

Today was a special day. . . 
Emily will turn 4 years old tomorrow
and so today I got to spend most
of the day with just her!
No Mom, no Dad, no Camden just
Emily and Grandma Monk!

 We started our day by visiting the 
visitor's center at the
Idaho Falls Temple.
Emily loved the nativity.
 As we entered the visitor's center,
it warmed my heart as Emily said,
"Look Grandma, there's Jesus."
 Emily loved playing on the computer and
coloring temples from all over
the world.  We looked at the temple in England where her
Dad Steven served his mission.  We looked at the New Zealand temple were Uncle Sam served and we also looked at the
Los Angeles Temple were Uncle Matt is serving his mission. 
We couldn't find the Finland temple where Aunt Nat served her mission nor could we find the Portland temple where
Emily's Mom and Dad were married. 
 Emily wanted to know is Jesus was
awake in these statues.
 The bronze statues were just beautiful!
 Off to the Museum of Idaho where we enjoyed
an Old Fashioned Christmas.
 Emily loved all the different Santa's there.
 We even found the Grinch.
 The Gingerbread man was so cute!
 We had to wrap Em's up in a blanket because she
forgot her coat.  It worked, we would just wrap her
up when we were outside and then off the blanket 
would come when we went inside.  
 Then... off to Grandma's to make our very own
Gingerbread house.
 Isn't it so cute?  I loved how Emily would so carefully
place each piece of candy.  She took such great
care in decorating her masterpiece!

 Wouldn't be a complete day if we
didn't color!
We took turns and isn't it a beautiful picture?
 Off to the basement for just some "play" time.
Wouldn't be a day at Grandma's if we didn't 
have a tea party.
I love you Emily!
You are such a special girl.
Thanks for spending the day with me.
Can't wait for your birthday party tomorrow.  
Grandma Monk

1 comment:

Monk Family said...

She talked about all the fun things she did all night, thank you so much! I think she needed that, every kid needs a chance to feel so special! Love you lots, and thanks again for all your help with the party!!