Monday, March 5, 2012

Monday, Feb. 5, 2012

Hi Mom!

Well it was a good week. Not too exciting around here! Yes I got the shirts and they are EXQUISITE. Can you please send 3 more? I know I know... but they are so much better than my old ones (They fit 1,000,000,000 time better) and I feel so much more comfortable in them. The old ones are just too form fitting (NOT because i've gotten fat - they've always been like that!)  :) That is all I could really ask for. Thank you so much mom! You are the BEST!!!!!!!!!!! We are also making zone t-shirts for our missionaries they say:

front:                                 Back:
SAVED                       ... after all we can do.
WITH                              (2 Nephi 25:23)
They're gonna be awesome!  (Notice the SWAG on the front, hehe!) We're pretty pumped. We had to get our car fixed at the dealer, so we walked down the street and got them made.

We had another ZLC this week. Brother Heaton (Director of the MTC)  and Brother Beck (Church Headquarters) came and taught us. It was really good! Lots of good things happening here. Just lots of meetings... We had a stake presidents meeting on Saturday for the Newbury Park stake, then we're having one on wednesday with the Thousand Oaks stake president, and president Castro, then a Ward Mission Leader Training that night, then L. Tom Perry on Saturday. Holy Cow! :) Its good stuff though.

We had dinner with a billionaire on Saturday. The mom is a lifelong member, and Bro. Gates is a convert of 5 years. They have 2 YSA age boys that aren't  members. One of them goes to BYU Idaho! Holy cow. He invented wireless internet and a company to go with it, then a few years ago,I guess he sold it for 4 billion dollars and started a new company. He's done all the wireless for BYU Idaho, BYU, Carnegie-Mellon, and bunches of others. Their house is DISGUSTING. You would DIE at how weird and huge it is! It looks like a temple when you walk in. Absolutely massive. sick sick sick. Haha! To get to their house I had to show my driver's license! Whew! Its crazy around here.

Just the usual stuff arouund here! We got a new investigator on Friday! His name is Parker, he talked to missionaries in L.A., and used to request missionaries again. So cool! We set him with a baptismal date of April 20, so he's pretty pumped. We're so blessed! Thanks for all your prayers and support.

Well, nothing else too crazy! We're gonna go hiking today a bit. We're driving up Westlake Blvd to Mullholland Highway and see what we can see. It's in the Santa Monica Mtns, halfway to Malibu, so it should be pretty awesome! :)

Well, i love you. Thanks for all you do for me. It means so much. I couldn't do it without you! Sorry to ask for so much... but those things would really help. You are the best! Tell everyone hi for me! :)


Elder Matthew Monk
  California Ventura Mission
          Jan. 2011 - Jan. 2013

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