Monday, April 18, 2011

Matt's letter for April 18th, 2011

Mom and Family!!

Weeeelllllllllllllllllllllll, this week was awesome! I will show you part of my president's letter to demonstrate:

Hola Presidente!

Well, this week has been awesome. Our 40 day fast continues! We have been seeing miracles galore in the form of work work and... WORK! It has been glorious! As you can tell by last weeks numbers and this weeks, we have been having alot of lessons and have been getting members present, too. I love it! SOmetimes it seems that we're too busy too fit appointments in. :) I'm all smiles. :)

We met with Brother James (Placencia) and his family this week everyday. They have alot of troubles with alcohol and such, so they need a constant contact. A miracle happened last night!!! We went over to their house, they fed us dinner, and we watched the new Joseph Smith movie with them. Brother James said he was planning on making us watch the playoff of basketball, but had a prompting to watch the movie. We did, and we had a great discussion afterwords. Brother James had alot of legitimate concerns and questions on priesthood authority and prophets, so we did our best to answer them and discuss. While we were talking, he interrupted and said, "I just had a pain in my pancreas (I guess he should have died a while ago from it?), and it was all i could do to keep praying in my heart, and i felt this amazing feeling go through me and the pain was gone. The Holy spirit answered my prayer." WOW. The spirit was so strong, and I know everyone there could feel it! The lord knows us and wants so badly to bless us! It all hinges on our faith! I know this Gospel is true.

"If you would not be forgotten, as soon as you are dead and rotten, either write things worth reading, or do thigs worth writing." --Benjamin Franklin

I hope you and Sister Murri have a great week, and thank you for the trust you have in me with this coming transfer and Elder Searcy. I will do my best! That's what I promised to do when I sent that acceptance letter to the First Presidency, and I don't intend to do anything less than that.


Elder Monk

Needless to say, Tomorrow is transfers, and I am follow - up training a newer Elder named Elder Searcy. He's from anchorage, and i will be the senior companion! Usually this doesnt happen until you're alot more experienced than I am, but President just called and said that he trusts me and feels that I am ready to be a trainer. AGH! :) I'm pretty pumped, and it also means i get to drive ! :) HAha! I'm so excited!

Mommy dear, i LOVED the package!!! I am so lucky to have a momma like you! You are the bestest EVER! Always remember that! I just started in the new journal paper, so it came just in time. I love getting mu frie4nds letters, keep doing that! You can also send mine to them, that would be awesome.

Just one request for the easter package... I know you don't like the idea, but i would LOVE LOVE LOVE that comforter! When we transfer, we don't have to have everything in our suitcases, and members take us to and from transfer meetings. (Brother Olmstead took us when i got here in his HUGE van! Haha) I know it soulds like a hassel, but i would love it! You wouldn't want your missionary to be cold at night, would you? *sniff sniff* Haha but you can do whatever you want! I won't be sad if you choose not to.

Well, i think that's all for today. The 40 day fast is going epicly well, Sherry didn't come to church, but she called and said that it was too early (9:30), but she still wants to come, so she'll have to bring alot of coffee. Hehe!

I should get my shoes tomorrow, so thtank you SOOOOO SO SO SO much! I love you.

I hope eveything goes well for ya'll! I loved the Moab pics, and it soulds like you had a ton of fun!! I love you all,

Elder Monk

995 - The SAnta Barbara Zone at a little zone training we had on wednesday.
992 - Our district
991 - ELder Stoecker and I. Mom you would love him. He grew up in England, and moved to VIrginia a couple years ago, so he has a sick accent
994 - Our district mocking Elder Blanchard for going home tomorrow. :( Haha!

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