Sunday, April 24, 2011


Last Thursday, April 21, we drove to Provo to attend Sam's
graduation ceremony on Friday.
Sam did one year of college before his mission and three years after.
He got his degree in Mechanical Engineering, just like his Dad.
We couldn't be more proud.
He did three years at BYU and then transferred to BYU-I because
Hailey, his wife, had a good job here in Blackfoot.
After one year at BYU-I, he transferred those credits to BYU
and applied for graduation.
It truly was a wonderful day!
We are so proud of you both.
He couldn't of done it without his cute wife!

1 comment:

Stephen, Terren & Peyton said...

Can't believe he's married! And now graduated! How awesome! And every once in awhile I get on your blog and read Matt's letters and it's so fun to read a missionary's letter - it takes me back to mine and I love it! You have a great family!!!!