Saturday, January 28, 2012

Missing Matt

Feeling kind of home sick for Matt today. 
Oh my, I miss that kid so much.
I got the cutest B'day card from him
in the mail, it made me cry.
Since I turned 52 years old,
he listed 52 things that describe me to him.
So cute even if the card had an old guy
in glasses on the front with the words,
Another birthday and still going strong!
On the inside it said,
And more often.
Have a Good One.

(Sounds just like Matt doesn't it?)

Matt has been gone for over a year  now.
Last year on my birthday,
he flew to the Ventura, California Mission.

(I often think I need to change the music
that goes with my blog but then
I hear  Ventura Highway and my
heart sinks, it just goes with
Matt's mission and I can't
change it).

I am in such awe of all my kids serving missions.
As I think back of when I was 19 years old I don't know that
I would of chosen to go on a mission.  Yah, I had a 
testimony but I don't know that it was strong enough
to leave everything I knew behind and go serve
the Lord for two years.  
I feel very blessed to have kids with such
strong testimonies.
I believe the Lord did save his best for last and that's 
who will lead our church and that's who will
raise the next generation.

The church IS true and I'm proud
to be part of it!

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